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Easington Colliery

Welcome to Easington Colliery Primary School

Easington Colliery Primary School, which sits at the heart of the local community, is a special place.  Everyone is welcome at ECPS and we embrace and celebrate our differences and strengths.  Every member of the ECPS family is valued and appreciated for their individuality.  

The pupils are at the centre of everything we do, here at Easington Colliery Primary School.  Our pupils are tenacious, enthusiastic and motivated and they behave well both in school, and when out on visits and trips.

Working together as a team, the staff in school provide a supportive and caring environment, inspirational teaching and the latest technology and resources. Our curriculum has been carefully planned with the national curriculum statutory expectation in mind, but more importantly with our children and community at the centre, to ensure it is meaningful and purposeful, engaging and challenging and supports our pupils to be aspirational, in pursuit of their hopes and dreams, while fostering a pride in their own local community.

We believe working in partnership with parents is crucial, if we are to ensure all of our children feel safe, happy, valued and achieve their full potential. I look forward to seeing you at school events, assemblies, social occasions or even for a quick chat on the school yard!

We hope that this website will give you a flavour of Easington Colliery Primary School – a unique place, where your child will flourish.

Mrs R. Francis - Headteacher

Mrs C. Haswell - Deputy Headteacher 

Mrs A. Marshall - Assistant Headteacher

Mr P. Crowther - Assistant Headteacher


Mission Statement

We are a highly inclusive school and we provide a wide range of stimulating learning opportunities in a safe, happy and caring environment. Relationships are key, at Easington Colliery Primary School and we take the time to get to know our pupils and their families well.  We ensure that all pupils reach their potential and make good progress, whether that be academically, emotionally or socially.  We develop pupils: their character, their ability to form and keep positive relationships and their personalities.  We achieve this by commiting to a shared agreement:

  • Working together, in partnership with other schools, utilising skills, to enhance curriculum experiences and develop staff expertise
  • Promoting the highest academic standards in all aspects of an innovative and enriched curriculum to maximise the potential of all our children and broaden their horizons
  • Ensuring that all pupils receive an education suited to their individual needs
  • Ensuring all pupils feel included and valued in an environment where respectful relationships drive progress
  • Raising self-esteem and striving to ensure every learner has the confidence and resilience to persevere and succeed
  • Supporting pupils and their families
  • Providing positive role models
  • Ensuring a well-resourced, pleasant and stimulating environment
  • Fostering positive links between our school, home, the local and wider community and the local partnership of schools.

Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) Flagship Status

We are very proud to be a Flagship School for Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM).

Inclusion Quality Mark provides schools with a nationally recognised framework to guide their inclusion journey. The IQM team help schools evaluate and measure how they are performing; empowering them to improve and grow.

Only around 100 UK schools have achieved IQM Flagship School status. This award recognises those unique schools who have held IQM Centre of Excellence status for at least 3 years; and played a strong leadership role in developing inclusion best practices across a network of schools. These schools are committed to extending their networks further and publishing classroom-based research on an annual basis.

Inclusion promotes equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. It pays particular attention to the provision made for, and the achievement of, different groups of pupils within a school and any pupils who are at risk of disaffection and exclusion.

ECPS Primary School Review