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Easington Colliery

Year 4 23-24

Cookery (4CP)

Week 1: Each week we will make a dish from a different country in Europe - linking it with our Geography topic this term. Today we made Italian pasta and doughballs. 



Children In Need

On Friday this week we dressed up for Children In Need 2023. Here are some of our amazing outfits … 

Anti-Bullying Week

On Monday, we wore odd socks to school in support of Anti-Bullying Week. In class we discussed bullying and ways to prevent it and address it.


On the last day of term the children came into school wearing some fantastic Halloween costumes!


This week in Year 4 we looked at the effect different liquids have on eggs (representing teeth), in our exploration of tooth decay. 

Times Tables Rockstars Launch Day

On Thursday we enjoyed Times Tables Rockstars launch day. You can now access this at home to practice your times tables and earn points!

 History Day

On Friday we had a full day learning all about the Romans. We tried on Roman attire, excavated Roman artefacts, played Roman games, practiced auxiliary training and Roman battle formations!