Year 4 22-23
This week was our turn to enjoy the Colour Run!
Last week, we did lots of outdoor exploring. We made some bug houses, hedgehog homes and even a shelter for ourselves!
Before the half term, year 4 constructed their art sculptures out of clay, foil and other materials. Next week, we plan on painting them! We can’t wait to see the results. They ended the week by going on their residential trip to Beamish!
This week, we have been focussing on patterns and line work in our Art lessons. We took some pictures in Forest School and brought them back to class to sketch from. We ended the week by throwing our ‘Earth Bombs’ into the field, in hope that we will see some colourful flowers grow ready for Summer.
Today we wore red, white and blue in honour of the King’s Coronation! We watched Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation from 1953 and took part in some fun coronation activities!
We started this week by ending our science topic with an electricity investigation. We wanted to find out what happens when we add multiple bulbs to a simple circuit. We ended the week by sketching and painting a piece of work inspired by a versatile artist named Zed1. The theme for our piece of work was to create mood through tone shape and colour.
This week, we made some 'Earth Bombs' in recognition of Earth Day, had a visit from Willow's lambs and completed our first orienteering activity in PE!
Cookery Lessons
Over the past term, Year 4 have been enjoying cookery lessons based on food from around Europe! This week, they worked on a Paella dish.
World Book Day
This week, year 4 celebrated World Book Day! We dressed up as our favourite book character and created a front cover for one of Tom Fletcher's best selling books. We also started our new Geography topic, 'TECTONICS'! We located Italy on a range of maps and researched the human and physical features that are located in this country.