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Easington Colliery

Reception 22-23

Sports week

This week in reception, we have been taking part in sports week. We have completed a different sports activity every day of the week. We have completed, Hoopstarz, Skipping, Summer run, Street dancing and a fantastic sports day. Reception definitely have some super sports stars! Well done everyone.

Tweddle Farm

This week, Reception enjoyed a trip out to Tweddle Farm. Over the last term, we have been learning all about farm animals and exploring all things farm related, so it was only right to plan a trip to the farm. We enjoyed petting and feeding the animals and loved our tractor rides. The children were so gentle and caring and all made sure that they were respectful of the animals.


This week, we have been learning all about capacity in Maths. We have been focussing on language such as full, nearly full, half full/half empty, nearly empty and empty. We have explored our water area and sandpit to practise our measuring. We have successfully followed instructions from our teachers when filling our equipment with sand or water to the correct level. Measuring superstars!

The Lighthouse Keepers's Lunch

Over the last two weeks, we have been reading The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch by 'David and Ronda Armitage'. We have enjoyed getting to know the characters and developing our story knowledge. In cookery, we made the famous mustard sandwiches that Mr Grinling used to trick the naughty seagulls. As you can see, the children didn't enjoy them. After the mustard sandwiches, we decided to treat ourselves to some delicious jam sandwiches. We all gave instructions of how to make them using different bossy words. These were more enjoyable for the children and everyone loved helping their friends with instructions. To finish off our time reading The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch, we hot seated each character. We got to ask some amazing questions about the story and our friends enjoyed pretending to be the characters. Well done!


This week, we have been focussing on our reasoning skills in maths. We have been playing different 'odd one out' games and used our reasoning to explain why we have chosen each picture. We used explanations such as this one has 3 sides and the others have 4 and all the shapes sides are the same length, except this one
We have worked very hard thinking about our answers carefully and took our learning into the maths area in the provision.

Family fun day 

Our reception classes have had lots of fun this week. In maths this week, we have been learning how to play games with a number line. We have focussed on moving counters square by square depending on what the dice landed on. We have lots of competitive children this year!
On Friday, we got to have all of our family come in for the family fun day. Our grown-ups got to experience some of the things we get up to in forest school. We made nature crowns, went on a nature hunt and played some sports games. We have had a lovely week!

The Extraordinary Gardener

Over the last two weeks, we have been reading The Extraordinary Gardener by 'Sam Boughton'. We have loved getting to know the story and exploring all things extraordinary. We decided that our outside area was just a little bit to ordinary for our reception class, so we used our paints and chalks to decorate it and make it as extraordinary as Joe's garden in the story.
To finish off the week, we made a garden salad wrap in cookery. We wanted to make it as bright and colourful as our outside area.

Seven Stories 

This week, our Reception classes had a very special visit from a storyteller from the company, Seven Stories. 'Mr Big' and 'How to lose a lemur' were read to each class and the storyteller enjoyed listening to our predictions of each story. We had lots of amazing ideas!
We enjoyed bringing the stories to life through playing games and dancing to music from Mr Big's band. We had lots of fun and hope we will have another visit again one day.

The Tiny Seed

Following on from our gardening club last term, this week, we have been learning all about seeds. We have focussed our English on The Tiny Seed by 'Catherina Chu'. We loved finding out about how a seed develops over every seasonNot only that, but we then looked at different kinds of seeds in Forest School and talked about what a seed needs to grow. 


The king's coronation 

In reception this week, we have been learning all about King Charles and his coronation. We have talked about the history of royal family and turned our provision into a party fit for a royal to celebrate. We have enjoyed creating our own crowns and role-playing in our home corner.
As part of our red, white and blue day at school this week, we made our own afternoon tea and played fun party games to celebrate the coronation. We particularly enjoyed pinning the crown on the king.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Over the past two weeks, we have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk. We have enjoyed getting to know the story characters and bringing them to life in our provision. We created our own castle in the sky and used it to role-play the characters. We particularly enjoyed pretending to be the giant and chanting "Fee-fi-foo-fum" to our friends. We then continued our learning into forest school and planted our own beanstalks. We hope they grow as big as Jacks beanstalk did!


This week, we have welcomed back Sarah to help us with our cooking on a Friday. Sarah showed us the correct way to chop when cooking. The children enjoyed using the bridge method to chop cucumber, peppers and grapes. We added our chopped vegetables into a big bowl of cous cous and gave it a big mix. The children thoroughly enjoyed trying their cous cous, with many clearing their bowls. Well done, everyone!

All things Easter

This week has been all about Easter. We have learned all about why we celebrate Easter and enjoyed reading the Easter Story. We have showed off our creative skills this week and designed our own eggs and Easter cards. Our school forest was transformed into a big Easter egg hunt. We have had an 'eggcellent' week at school, which was finished off with us all trying hot cross buns. They were delicious.

In addition to our fun Easter week, the children have taken part in egg competition. The winners were chosen by our school governors. Look below to see our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Well done everyone!

People who help us

This term, we have been learning all about people who help us in our community. We have looked at police officers, firefighters and different medical professionals and discussed the different ways they help us. This week, we have had a visit from David the paramedic. We got to ask him lots of different questions about being a paramedic and even got to explore all of his equipment. We had so much fun!

Comic Relief 

This week in reception, we have been learning all about Comic Relief. We discussed what Comic Relief was and why we take part in raising money. On Friday, we all wore red or Red Nose Day T-Shirts to help raise awareness of Comic Relief and took part in different activities throughout the day, such as pinning a red nose on the teacher. We all had so much fun! 

Little Red Riding Hood 

This week, we have introduced the story 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We enjoyed getting to know each character and rehearsing the story ready for writing. We have loved creating our own story maps to link to our geography lesson this week. To end the week, we made our very own batch of vegetable soup for grandma. We chopped our own vegetables and poured our own serving. The soup was so tasty, even the wolf would have loved it. 

Learning sheds

In addition to World Book Day this week, we have also launched our maths and literacy sheds in our outdoor area. We were amazed to explore what was inside each shed and enjoyed bringing our learning outside. 

World Book Day

This week, we have enjoyed all things book related for World Book Day. Our focus for the day was Julia Donaldson, and the children enjoyed taking part in the many activities set up to celebrate her wonderful collection. Our forest school task was to create our own stick man from the story 'The Stick Man' by Julia Donaldson, we enjoyed bringing the character to life with our friends and exploring the forest with him.

The Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens 

This week, we have visited The Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens. The children have enjoyed exploring timelines and looking at different things from the past. We particularly enjoyed comparing what homes looked like throughout the years and observing different animals. 




Super scientists

We were amazed to find that one of our outdoor sheds had suddenly moved this week! Upon closer inspection we could see it had been transformed into a science shed. Inside, we discovered all of the equipment we would need to observe the world around us and begin our own investigations. The children loved exploring this new area and using the equipment to conduct their own science experiments. 

One Snowy Night

This week, the children have been enjoying the story 'One Snowy Night' by Nick Butterworth. We have loved getting to know the character of Percy the park keeper as he is so kind to all of the animals in his park. We decided to help the animals in our school grounds by making bird feeders using lard and seeds. We have also enjoyed a hot chocolate (just like Percy) around the campfire during Forest school. The children are so good at remembering how to keep safe around the fire pit.

Well done everyone! 

Chinese New Year - dragon parade

All week long the children have been getting ready to hold their very own dragon parade around the school. Finally on Friday afternoon we gathered our decorations, lanterns and musical instruments before heading off around the school to welcome the New Year. The rest of the children and staff in school celebrated with us clapping and cheering as we passed. 


 Wishing tree

In preparation for Chinese New Year the children in Reception have created their own wishing tree. We thought carefully about what we wanted to wish for and thoroughly enjoyed adding our wishes to the tree. We all agreed it looked spectacular!