Class News
Thursday 9 January 2025 Places available!
Friday 12 January 2024 Nursery 23-24 On Monday, we had our first forest schools session. We focused on moving to and from the forest safely, following the forest school rules and familiarising ourselves with the forest areas.
Friday 12 January 2024 Year 1 23-24 On Tuesday we had some very exciting visitors into our school which definitely tested how brave we were feeling! We loved seeing all the amazing animals and learning about where these came from. We also completed observational drawings of some animals and read some books all about the animals to help us learn some fascinating facts. There were lots of names of animals to remember and our teachers were definitely more frightened than us!
Friday 15 December 2023 Year 2 23-24 On Monday, we took part in the Festive Run! The children ran through the candy cane slalom, threw snowballs into Santa's sack, posed at "Elfie" station, and decorated Christmas trees!
Tuesday 12 December 2023 Year 3 23-24 Year 3 have really enjoyed their Christmas Party day. They have loved all of the games and activities we have played and enjoyed a nice snack towards the end of the party.
Friday 8 December 2023 Year 6 23-24 This week, our Y6 children hosted a Pop-up Museum to showcase the unbelievable journey through their War & Peace topic, stretching from September to December! The children showcased some phenomenal work in many areas such as history, art and English, finishing off with a brilliant musical performance of 'Run Rabbit Run' and 'We'll Meet Again'. A brilliant turn-out from parents and carers and such a wonderful opportunity for the children to share their hard work with their families.
Friday 17 November 2023 Year 5 23-24 Anti-Bullying Week was Monday 13th November- Friday 17th November. The focus this year was about making a noise about bullying. We discussed the importance of not staying silent about being bullied or the harm bullying causes. We wrote poems about this and some children even created their own rap.
Monday 25 September 2023 Year 4 23-24
Monday 25 September 2023 Reception 23-24
Friday 15 September 2023 Reception First Forest Friday
Friday 14 July 2023 Reception 22-23 This week in reception, we have been taking part in sports week. We have completed a different sports activity every day of the week. We have completed, Hoopstarz, Skipping, Summer run, Street dancing and a fantastic sports day. Reception definitely have some super sports stars! Well done everyone.
Friday 14 July 2023 Year 5 22-23 Goodbye butterflies!
Friday 14 July 2023 Year 1 22-23 After a week of sport year 1 are super tired! We have taken part in sports day, dancing, hoopstarz, skipping and a summer run! We have learned so many new skills this week and have all tried our best! Teachers who taught us these fantastic workshops have commented on our lovely manners, respectful listening and our participation. We really are super stars getting ready for year 2!
Friday 14 July 2023 Year 2 22-23 This week, the whole school have had an entire week dedicated to sporting activities! We kicked off on Monday with the Summer Run...
Friday 14 July 2023 Year 3 22-23 What a fantastic week we have had for sporting activities. Year 3 have loved the sporting challenges and have made us very proud of them. We have some amazing talents in the year group.
Friday 7 July 2023 Year 6 22-23 This week, 6AB went to Seaham Marina for a paddleboarding session with Adventure Access. The children braved the sea whilst learning to use their teamwork skills to navigate individual and shared paddleboards. Everyone had a brilliant day! 6BG and 6BM to follow in the coming weeks.
Friday 30 June 2023 Nursery 22-23 We have really enjoyed the sunny weather again this week. We have spent lots of time outdoors using our beautiful new water area. We have been using our knowledge of water to adapt, use and then analyse how we can transfer water from one tray to another. The children have been fantastic learners showing persistence and resilience within their learning. We have noticed that lots of children have enjoyed reading the story of peace at last this week. We have looked at the story and identified all the different sounds in the book. We have also completed a sound quiz whereby we listen to the sound and try to identify it using our knowledge of the indoor environment. For example a tap dripping, a kettle boiling or a washing machine spinning. We were all excellent at guessing the indoor sounds.
Friday 26 May 2023 After School Clubs Summer 1 after-school clubs
Friday 10 March 2023 Year 4 22-23 Last week, we did lots of outdoor exploring. We made some bug houses, hedgehog homes and even a shelter for ourselves!
Monday 27 June 2022 Welcome to our new website We hope that you find it easy to use and full of the information you require, whether you are a current or prospective parent or a member of the wider community.