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Easington Colliery


Music is a valued and integral part of our curriculum. We believe that music allows children to express themselves and fosters enjoyment and creativity. Year groups Nursery to Year 6 all receive valuable music input from Durham Music Service throughout the academic year, which enhances the children’s learning and enjoyment of music.  In addition, in Y3-Y5 every child learns to play an instrument, during class lessons, alongisde the option of indivudal and group music teaching, in Y4-6.  In Y6, pupils learn about digital music, in keeping with the music of today!

Alongside this, the school follows the Charanga music scheme, which encourages the children to focus on listening and appraising a variety of styles of music. They are also are encouraged to compose and perform both vocal and instrumental pieces.

Children have the opportunity to showcase their learning through concerts and performances, as well as sharing their achievements with the local community, such as singing Christmas songs at the care home. Reception perform a yearly Nativity and Year 6 host an impressive musical production at the end of the year, as a leavers’ celebration, developing and showcasing their performance skills. We have a both a Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 choir.