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Easington Colliery


Assessment at Key Stage 1 & 2

At the end of each stage teachers are required to undertake both formal and informal assessments of the progress made by pupils. The informal testing is known as TEACHER ASSESSMENT and is an important part of the process because it uses judgements made from ongoing assessments, taken over the whole academic year. Teachers, in fact, make informal assessments every time they teach a class, and they will use these judgements to plan what the children need to learn next. The formal tests are known as Standard Assessment Tests, (SATs) which are produced nationally and are taken by all children in the country. From 2016 the tests for both key stages have changed.

To help parents, we have created a power point to give detail about the new testing and assessment arrangements.

Additional information is also below with links to example tests. There is a further guide produced by Rising Stars which support parents with work at home at home

Achieve – Key Stage 2

At Key Stage 2 children are tested as follows:

  • Maths is tested by 3 papers:
  • Paper 1 – Arithmetic
  • Paper 2 – Reasoning
  • Paper 3 – Reasoning
  • is tested using a reading booklet and an answer book
  • is tested by a test paper
  • Writing is assessed by teachers

National Curriculum Assessments Key Stage 2

The timetable for the tests changes from year to year but the tests must be administered according to the national plans, unless special circumstances prevail.

All of the test papers are marked externally. For 2016 it is expected that we will receive marks for the children but it may take some time before we know what they mean in terms of reaching the expected standard. We endeavour to process the information as quickly as possible and get it out to you in written form as part of the annual report. If we spot a discrepancy in the marking we can resubmit it for re-marking by another examiner, but this delays the process.

At Key Stage 1 children have tests as follows:


  • Paper 1 – Arithmetic
  • Paper 2 – Reasoning

Reading using a reading booklet and an answer book

Spelling Punctuation and Grammar is tested by a test paper

Writing is assessed by teachers

Special arrangements

We are able to make special arrangements for some pupils according to their ability. Some children are entitled to additional time for some tests, if we suspect that they would suffer unduly and be unable to concentrate. For others, who find reading takes longer, additional time will accommodate this problem. Some children may have an adult ‘reader’ or ‘scribe’ for some tests – obviously reading and writing tests are exempt! We will discuss the needs of your child with you so that you know the arrangements, which are in place. Children with scribes and readers will take the test in another room, where other children cannot be either disturbed or given help with the test.


The school provides all the equipment the children need.

How is the school helping to prepare the children?

  • By practising key skills, which will prepare the children for the process of the tests.
  • By giving parents the information they need to help their child
  • By using revision materials – booklets, homework, IXL, Grammar Hammer.
  • Through class lessons, making sure the children have covered all of the areas tested.

How can I help my child?

  • Make sure you know what homework has been set and that it is done thoroughly
  • Don’t panic – don’t transfer your anxieties to your child
  • Make sure they have all of the things they need for school
  • Help with revision – reading, speed maths, writing, comprehension
  • Purchasing revision materials/CD ROMs
  • Early nights and a ‘normal’ routine.

NB: if a child is unable to attend school either through illness or another reason accepted by the Board, it is the responsibility of the Head Teacher to make arrangements for children to take the tests off-site under the same conditions. A responsible adult, unrelated to the child, may transport the papers and administer the tests. The head must be satisfied that no information has been given to the child, which would compromise the confidential nature of the tests.

Assessment Procedures

At Easington Colliery Primary School we recognise the importance of assessment (both summative and formative) and how it can be used to develop children’s learning.

In our school, children are assessed against the National Expectations for their year group/ ability.  We assess at the end of the first half of the school term (roughly October, February and June) to allow us to identify the gaps in learning, then focus teaching to address these gaps, before the term ends and new units begin.